Kris Kimel Talks IdeaFestival 2015

There are two kinds of companies in today's world, innovative and dead. - Kris Kimel

The founder of the IdeaFestival, Kris Kimel, took a few moments yesterday to talk about planning for the upcoming festival, and to answer a question we often hear: "why IdeaFestival?" Enjoy.

Please follow us on Twitter @IdeaFestivallike our Facebook page and subscribe to the IdeaFestival newsletter to get speakers announcements, information on the agenda and, of course, to be notified when you can purchase a festival pass! As Kris mentions, the festival works extremely hard to make attending as affordable as possible because it believes ideas are for everybody. We couldn't do it without you, our loyal supporters, and our generous sponsors. Thank you!

One housekeeping note, if you enjoy reading the IdeaFestival web log via RSS, please be aware that we will soon be moving to a generic feed. Please use it instead of the one you use now.

Stay curious.


Image of Kris Kimel: Goeff Oliver Bugbee