Are you a leader, a manager, or a business owner responsible for team or employee moral and performance?
You'll like this.
What really drives people are autonomy, mastery and purpose. That's according to Chad Renando, who discusses Daniel Pink's work on his blog, Sideways Thoughts.
Despite the research, modern organisations continue to operate under what Pink calls 'Motivation 2.0', a system that has evolved beyond simple self-preservation and into a model of carrots and sticks. A challenge with this approach is that it is not suited for how we organise, think and perform tasks in the increasing complexity of today’s business. Instead of routine algorithmic (linear) processes, workers today are presented with heuristic challenges requiring experimentation and lateral thinking.
Given the rise in non-routine cognitive jobs, this observation struck me as an important insight into the management challenges facing startups and new or young companies.
It's those companies after all, not the Fortune 500, that are the net creators of almost all new private sector jobs in the last 25 years.
Stay curious.