A cognitive psychology who explores issues of creativity and intelligence, Scott Barry Kaufman has a regular perch at Scientific American, as well as other venues such as the Creativity Post. We're fans. The IdeaFestival blog, citing Kaufman, recently pointed out that among other characteristics, creative people are "open to experience" and that they know their own emotions.
We're guessing some of you will relate to his conclusion in yesterday's "Beautiful Minds" entry at SciAm: creative minds are messy minds.
In researching my new book on creativity with Carolyn Gregoire, something that became clear is that creative people have messy minds. They are really good at mixing and matching all sorts of seemingly contradictory emotions, ideas, and personality traits to produce something truly original and meaningful (emphasis supplied).
In other words, the answers are everywhere.
You don't want to miss Kaufman's talk. Register to attend the IdeaFestival today!
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