If You've Never Thought of It Like That

Following a question about the practicality of their work work yesterday, Creative Capital artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg dryly remarked that "I have been contacted by many police departments." Another artist, Jeffrey Gibson, was simply suspicious of the idea. "We live an overachieving culture," which diminishes free thinking. "I’m not looking to make an impact,” he said.

IdeaFestival founder Kris Kimel picked up that thread shortly thereafter saying that the subject of impact or of practicality was something he often addressed as founder and evangelist-in-chief of the festival. But surprise, like creative outcomes, can't be scheduled. So his response to that question, he said, was simply this:

I have no idea what you'll get out of it. That's the POINT.

The image above, by the way, comes from our Instagram feed. You should really have a look at it.

Stay curious™
