Hasan Elahi video - Romancing the FBI

Is it possible to hide in plain sight?

One artist responds to being mistakenly identified as a terrorist by creating an online record of his every move, meal and destination. In the words of Hasan Elahi, what began as a pragmatic solution to the problem of being singled out, though, has evolved over the last ten years into an elaborate art project.

He jokes in the video that "he just recently celebrated his 10th anniversary with the FBI." And as romantic as that may sound, the artist in him wonders: what happens to a society that no longer has a need to forget?

Elahi, one of the Creative Capital artists who attended and participated in what has become an annual and much anticipated event at the IdeaFestival, is also the source of this wonderful quote pulled from last year's "Stay Curious" video:

Interesting things come from people interested in things.

There is a lot of truth in that simple statement.

If you haven't purchased your Festival Pass for IdeaFestival 2013, you may want to act soon! After Sept. 1, the prices for passes will increase.
